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Life Expectancy in Australia

Life expectancy is a measure of the quality of countries’ social and economic conditions. It can be measured at various periods in someone’s life, but it is usually measured at birth or during childhood.

How Long Will I Live?

Australia’s life expectancy has increased by more than 10 years since the 1950s. Today’s children can expect to live even longer than this.

Today, if you are born in Australia, you would expect to live up to 80 years or a little bit longer for females. This is much higher than the life expectancy of the late 1800s, which was 51! Many things have improved life expectancy over these past years, including medicine advancement and earlier detection of illness and disease.

Life Expectancy Australia

Life Expectancy for Indigenous People

Aboriginal people have a lower life expectancy than non-indigenous Australians. Aboriginal people are at risk for health problems that put them in danger of early death, including acute rheumatic fever and rheumatic heart disease. At the present time in Australia, this means they live 8.6 years less on average than a non-indigenous Australian.

Australian Life Expectancy VS. The World

Australia has one of the highest life expectancies in the world. Although we rank below countries such as Singapore, Japan, and Switzerland- which have higher averages – Australia remains a leader in the global list. With an average lifespan of 84.63 years old, Japan has the highest life expectancy in the world.

The average life expectancy for females is 85.54, while the one for males sits at 81.49 years and are more than six months longer on average than they are worldwide- making it the 6th longest life expectancies in Australia from a global perspective.

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How do we Know Life Expectancy?

A life table is a statistical method that takes into account the death patterns of a population. The Australian Bureau of Statistics publishes life tables for Australia and calculates the average years left to live for each person in society based on current mortality rates.

Most notably, data is collected from three years in a row so that more accurate information can be identified. All life expectancy differences are most prevalent when certain conditions change such as the Spanish Flu pandemic of the 1920s and early 1930s.

How Can you Prolong Your Life Expectancy

Unfortunately, living a long life is never certain. Accidents and illnesses can occur without notice, and sometimes we have no control over them.

However, taking a first aid course will help you assist people in need if an emergency situation arises for yourself or someone else. Learning key CPR techniques like a response (CPR) are vital to saving lives in emergencies of all kinds- even your own!