There’s nothing like spending an afternoon splashing around in the water and enjoying ourselves.
Whether it be in our pristine beaches, inland waterways or public and backyard swimming pools– being around water is part of everyday Australian life. Luckily, the country has lots of beautiful swimming locations to offer.
While swimming is a great source of exercise as well as a fun way to spend time outdoors, many of us don’t realise how dangerous swimming can be without careful preparation.
In 2018, 249 drowning deaths and an estimate of 551 hospitalizations incidents were recorded in across Australia. The large proportion of drowning deaths came from young children aged 1-4 years old, the highest drowning rate out of any age group. Overall, drowning is considered the 3rd leading cause of unintentional injury deaths both on children and adults.
The Australian Water Safety Council is aware of the risk associated with swimming outdoors and inland. They have put together plans and strategies to educate the public on water safety and reduce the number of drowning incidents in Australia.
A day of fun can quickly take a scary turn. So, whether you’re planning a trip to the beach or a quick splash in your backyard pool, it is important to know about water safety to keep you and your family safe from any unwanted accidents.
Here are 3 water safety tips to make a day on the water safer and happier for everyone.
1. Enrol in a CPR Class
While we hope to drown may never happen – it also doesn’t hurt to be prepared.
When someone is drowning, it is likely that the victim will require CPR. Having invaluable lifesaving skills like CPR can be a huge difference between life and death. CPR application in the first few minutes of the drowning can double or triple the victim’s chance of survival until the paramedic arrives.
2. Know what drowning looks like drowning doesn’t look like it does on the big screen where there is always splashing arms and screaming involved. In real life, drowning is deceptively quiet and quick, so you need to be very vigilant to spot someone who is drowning. Know the signs of aquatic distress to rescue someone fast.
3. Have complete safety equipment nearby
Anytime you’re near the water, whether in the beach or in your home pool, you need to have quick access to a first aid kit, a life jacket, a throwing ring, and a reaching pole.
Stock your backyard pool with these safety essentials. If you’re headed to a public swimming pool or any water recreation area, take a quick look around to make sure that these equipment are easily accessible. If they are not available, take an extra minute to locate these valuable items.
We should never take water safety for granted. Beaches and pools are a means of relaxation and fun but ensuring everyone’s safety should be the top priority. We hope that these 3 water safety tips will help you to have a safe and fun time around water.